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From Raw to Roasted


What many consumers do not know, is that coffee begins its life as a seed inside of a cherry. The coffee cherry requires very specific environmental conditions to grow and reproduce successfully such as temperature, moisture and altitiude. 

For this reason, the coffee plant can only be grown at altitudes higher than 900masl and within a region called the coffee belt which is located either side of the equator between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.




When the coffee cherries are ripe they are picked by either machine or hand and are then transported to a wet mill where they are sorted for quality using water immersion. A de-pulper is used to remove the fruit from the beans.


What many consumers do not know, is that coffee begins its life as a seed inside of a cherry. The coffee cherry requires very specific environmental conditions to grow and reproduce successfully such as temperature, moisture and altitiude. 

For this reason, the coffee plant can only be grown at altitudes higher than 900masl and within a region called the coffee belt which is located either side of the equator between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

Honey Contemplation

Roasting coffee is a process taking around

10 minutes per batch. 

It works by gradually applying heat until the beans reach first crack and they make a popping sound - almost identical to popcorn.

This is due to residual water contained within the bean reaching boiling point. High pressure causes the gaseous water to be forcibly expelled.

The beans are pulled from the roaster shortly after first crack and are cooled quickly to retain sweetness.

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